The offer 343: 1-, 2-, 3,-4 room apartments in a newly built complex are on sale. The construction work will be finished in March, 2007 as per the scheduled plan, however, most of the apartments will be ready to use in December, 2006. At that moment the building is constructed on 70 %. The construction of the complex is conducted by the latest means of building-architectural opportunities. All apartments are equipped by modern furniture and home appliances. Apartments are on sale with a partial advance payment of 50 %, the final price of an apartment remains the same till March 2007, even though a possible raise in prices. The other 50 % of the price are to be paid at the end of the construction work. The prices vary from 50000 up to 250000 Euros, depending on the arrangement of the apartments: floor, exposition and ect. In front of the building there is a swimming pool. There are also parking places available. There is an elevator for everyone’s convenience. For further information refer to: 00359-58-41772, 00359-886-146970, 00359-889-896054, and 00359-889-139361 E-mail: ,
